Sunday, March 21, 2010

Solar car window vent

In this article we will see about solar car vent.Solar car window vent is an excellent product to keep your car cool when you park your car under sun during daytime.The temperature inside a parked car can sometimes reaches very high .This can increase load on AC as the AC has to bring down this temperature;it also increases wear and tear of things kept inside car.
Solar car vent is an excellent solution to this problem.Solar car vent provides for ait circulation in a parked car by running a fan powered by solar energy.
This equipment takes air from outside and pushes inside air out.
As the air circulation is done by the solar car vent , the temperature can be lowered. Also this helps in removing odour from inside of the car.
Most solar car vents available are easy to install .They are inserted between door and car.

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