Saturday, March 20, 2010

Excessive Hair Growth in Women

Women will become sad if small hairs start growing below the nose. ‘Look….like a man....’ the problem will increase when people will say so & start making fun. Like hair fall, excessive hair growth is a problem that worries women a lot.The pattern of the hair on the body changes according to its location. The procedure to control their growth is also therefore different. For e.g. the hair on the eyebrows & that on the upper lips are very different. Like male hormones are the reason for the growth of chest hair, it is also the reason for hair loss on the head. Hereditary is also a reason for growth of hair.
Some women will have high amount of male hormones. Or else hair follicle will be sensitive to male hormones. There is chance for excess hair growth in this condition.If the person has thick hair on the upper lips, chest, stomach, thighs, upper part of the hands etc then that person has excess hair growth due to hormone imbalance. In such women, besides excess hair growth there are chances of menses problems, excess acne or problems related to fertility.
There can be many reasons for excess hair growth. The most common seen is the problem of polycystic ovarian disease. Those who have this condition is seen to have excessive hair growth, might be obese and have menses related problems.By scanning the stomach, the condition of the ovary (polycystic ovary) can be seen. The excess male hormones released from the adrenal glands and the uterus due to this disease can be the reason for excess hair growth.
Those who suffer from this disease should reduce their weight through a healthy diet and exercise regime. This will help in reducing the menses problems and excess hair growth issues. Sometimes it might be necessary to take the help of medicines.Due to lack of activity/production of some enzymes in the adrenal gland, there can be chances for the release of excess male hormone into the blood. We can find out the above said problem by conducting appropriate blood tests.
The third reason can be the tumor occurrence in the adrenal gland or the uterus. These people besides having excess hair can also have manly body and male voice.Rarely also the disruption of the gonk hormone, cholesterol, thyroid can cause excess hair growth.
By doing blood tests we can find out the disruption of hormones. Hormone tests should be done only on the advice of a specialist doctor. While giving blood for the tests, be careful of two things.
  1. Give blood for hormone test on the third or fourth day of your periods.
  2. Give blood between 8 and 10 ó clock in the morning.
There are many treatment methods available for excess hair growth. We can control hair growth with the help of some medicines. The life period of each hair follicle is from 6 to 9 months. Therefore to see the effect of the treatment, one has to wait from 6-9 months..
Treatment methods like bleaching, laser, electrolysis can remove the excess hair on our body. Since we have to wait for a longtime for the results after taking medicines, we can adopt these methods.
 The disorder which causes the increase in the male hormone in our body can be controlled with medicines.

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