Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Digital Lighting and Shading for 3D objects

The art of lighting design  was practised for centuries prior to the advent of computer graphics in various forms of art, such as photography, theatre, paintings and so on.  Be it a shot from a movie, a photograph or even a painting, an aesthetically well lit picture looks much more appealing than a normal picture that has been captured without giving importance to the light source.

Digital lighting refers to that aspect of 3D computer graphics where a 3D object or model created using a 3D software is made to look realistic by simulating the behaviour of light in real life by using lighting tools which are part of the 3D software. Lighting adds realism and depth to an existing object.  For instance, a table with a bowl of fruits in it looks much better when the background and the table are lit dimly and when the focus is made to shift onto the shape of the fruits and the bowl by lighting its edges brightly and interestingly from all three directions; the main source from either one side,

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