Saturday, March 20, 2010

Equal Right for Women

 “Man is born free; but is everywhere in chains!” said Jean Jacques Rousseau. My dad would often add, “Particularly true after marriage”, (what with my mom shopping endlessly for chains and bangles, leave alone sarees!) Even the other day, I noticed a wall hanging in my friend’s house. It read “I am the boss of the house AND, I have my wife’s permission to say so”. Jokes apart, from time immemorial, man being stronger subjugated the female by physical might. When might was right where are the rights?? Precisely why, women earned the tag the “weaker sex”.

Passion of Women:

During the middle ages the need for emancipation of women was raised from every press and platform across the globe. Again during the latter half of the last century the “better halves” started the ‘Women’s Liberation’, to better their lot. Over time, it has gathered consensus and momentum and has been rechristened ‘Women Empowerment’.

Rising of Women Power:

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