Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Case for (TOP) Vegetarianism

We assembled for dinner after the farewell at college. I was filling my plate from the array of vegetarian spread. Overlooking my plate, my PT master asked “Are you a vegetarian?” Close on his heels was the student leader. “Archana, taste this butter chicken, it’s yummy!” she said mischievously. I could have firmly said MYOB – Mind you own business (Keep your spoon in your soup). The etiquette and protocol of the occasion took the better of my anger. Looking straight but calm, I said, “I have deep love for animals and birds. Precisely why, I don’t want them on my ‘table’”.

Stumped, they shrugged and vanished in a trice.

‘Vegetarian by default? because of religious affiliation? Compulsion? Sanction?’ I wondered. After ruminating, ‘By choice!’ I thundered. But why?

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