Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why all the fuss against Food Hygiene? How to take care of Foods

Why all the fuss against Food Hygiene? How to take care of Foods

Food is the necessity to live the life. As everyone needs food daily to live, I also need so. While taking food I used to take care about food hygiene. According to me the food quality must be good. All the diseases takes birth only and only because of carelessness in food quality. So this is the only reason that there is fuss against food hygiene.

Food which we daily need is that quality of the food must be good. To avoid food poisoning we should be very careful while selecting the food products. As nowadays the case of food poisoning is more and more in world.

Because of germs present in food only most of the diseases are caused so there is more fuss against the food hygiene. I am reading lots news and the paragraphs regarding the food hygiene in the news papers even. Even many things to care for the food hygiene are mentioned over there. For the food hygiene even I used to wash my hands before preparing the food and even before eating my hands am to be washed out. Even I am keeping my nail clean.

There are different napkins at my home for different cleaning purposes. I used to wash the napkins regularly. The utensils are been washed by me with detergent regularly. If I am suffering from cold then I don’t used to be near by food.

You can read the rest of this article at :
Why all the fuss against Food Hygiene? How to take care of Foods

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