Thursday, April 15, 2010

Intel, Sony joins hands for ‘Google TV’

Intel, Sony joins hands for ‘Google TV’

The reports say that Intel and Sony might work together in the Google project to bring the Internet revolution to the television. This joint venture is to develop a setup box which will help to obtain internet in TV also.

A report about this Google project, which is believed to create a huge revolution in the visual media, has been floating around for some time now. According to the reports, Google and ‘Dish Network Corporation’ were testing a method to enable search facility in the television.

The latest reports verify the primary efforts from Google. It is said that to develop ‘Google TV’, Google is joining hands with Intel, the chip manufacturers and Sony, the giant in consumer electronics industry including Television sets.

Though ‘Apple’ earlier created a device to obtain internet through T.V, it could not make any ripples in the industry. According to ‘New York Times’ report, Google is developing a device to bring internet to Blu-ray players and Televisions.

Internet, along with the other T.V channels, will be available in the television with the help of the setup box Google is developing now. Through TV, one can do online search, view social networking sites, view YouTube videos, play online games. In a nutshell, TV will be raised to the standard of a device with large number of possibilities.

You can read the rest of this article at :
Intel, Sony joins hands for ‘Google TV’

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