Thursday, April 15, 2010

How to Reduce Pollution ?

How to Reduce Pollution ?

Due to the pollution day by day there is probably more affect in my health. Due to the pollution I need to go for treatment twice a month. So I had decided to reduce the pollution in any matter.

As a normal human being I am being suffered by air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. To reduce the air pollution I stop using the petrol and gases vehicle and started to use the battery vehicles through which air pollution doesn’t occur.

And according to my view the factories should be far from the cities as because of chimneys even the air gets polluted and which is harmful for health. I stopped using fire crackers in the festival like Diwali and also in occasions like marriages to reduce air pollution.

Because of lack of purified and clean water lots of people are losing their lives so to save water is the duty of every human being. While drinking polluted water many diseases caused to them like cholera, malaria, diarrhea, jaundice etc.
To reduce the water pollution is the duty of every person. I had stop to mix the polluted water with the clean water in near by lakes and rivers. I used to immediately close the tap after the use to reduce the water shortage. And my used washing water I never used to throw anywhere else as I have planted the plant nearby they used to absorb it.

By throwing the wastage material like plastic bags, spoiled food, spreading oil, chemicals etc the land pollution occurs. To reduce the land pollution from my side I had stopped to throw the waste every where. And never spread the chemical which destroys the land thoroughly. And I never used to cut trees as trees are saving us from pollution.

According to me I am well trying to reduce this as this pollution may lead me even to lose the life and even yours.

You can read the this article at :

How to Reduce Pollution ?

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