Monday, April 26, 2010

3 sure fire ways to speed up your computer within 15 minutes

3 sure fire ways to speed up your computer within 15 minutes

Lets discuss about 3 sure fire ways to speed up your computer within 15 minutes .These ways can be implemented by anyone with little computer knowledge.They may seem simple but they works 100% of the time.

First method : Lets remove the junk files.Junk files are created whenever you perform any activity in your computer.As junk files accumulates speed will decrease.
How to solve this?
Open My computer and right click on C drive.
Click properties.
Now click the button Disk Cleanup
Now a window comes up.Check all items and click OK.Disk cleanup will remove all junk files.You can do this whenever you feel your computer is becoming slow.

Second method:
Fragmentation of files.As you use your computer the files stored in hard disk becomes fragmented i.e,, they get arranged NOT in orderly fashion.This will cause delay in reading data from hard disk.

How to solve this ?

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3 sure fire ways to speed up your computer within 15 minutes

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Get Ready to Explore the Ocean

Get Ready to Explore the Ocean

Sir Richard Branson’s name will ever be remembered for it’s he who opened up the prospect of having a leisure trip to beyond the skies, for the rich. Now he is all set to take off a plane which dives deep into the mysteries of ocean. Branson’s oceanic plane makes it possible for you to swim along with the whales. You can go for a treasure hunt among the relics of a long-sunk ship. You just need to spend a pretty big amount of money.
Branson owns the Virgin Group of companies which has

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Get Ready to Explore the Ocean

A Solution for Thin Stumpy Hair

A Solution for Thin Stumpy Hair

Have you got thin stumpy hair? Are you worried about that? Ain’t you desperate to make your hair look good? Well, the fact remains that there are a lot of hair cuts and styles to help you out.Try doing Bounce to you hair, and cut your hair in different layers; your hair’ll appear kind of thick; and you will be at your best.
Your hair may be long, but not thick. In that case, trim your hair and keep it open. That’ll be best for you. You can also go for a mushroom cut or blunt cut depending on the shape of your face. Short cut makes your hair appear thick.

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A Solution for Thin Stumpy Hair

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Top 10 Places for Walking Tours

Top 10 Places for Walking Tours

Walking is the best thing as you can enjoy while waking and also can able to get exercise. Many people enjoys while walking so they select Walking Tours mostly. There are even more advantages while selecting Walking Tours and that are which can look at the place narrowly and can know deeply about the place where are visiting. While in tours by buses and cars from inside only you can watch the sights.

Most people prefer walking guided tours as they can know about each thing from the guider deeply. Even I used to find our first the guider if I am visiting any new place. And even I can take photos of that place for a memorial of that city. To walk in particular area is not even so hard isn’t it?

In many cities guided tours are provided greatly and let me make you know in which city you can get find best Walking Tours. Over here I will tell you about ten of the top places for Walking Tours. I am recommending for people who want to walk through a new city and learn all about it:

San Francisco, United States.

I loved this city really. I had lots of

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Top 10 Places for Walking Tours

Friday, April 16, 2010

Numerology calculator

Numerology calculator

Numerology is an occult science that helps to predict a pesons character,future events,luck,auspicious and inauspicious times and many more by working on the name and date of birth of a person.
Of all occult sciences ,those claiming to predict the future events of a persons life ,have always held an esteemed place in public mind.Futurologists or soothsayers have very often misused this public sentiment and many cases of cheating by dishonest astrologers ,palmists and numerologists are on records.But this has not lessened the importance of these subjects as such in any way.
One or two cases of cheating by fake astrologers cannot mean that these ancient sciences are worthless.
Astrology involves so much calculations and arithmetic.Palmistry has to be supported by astrology or numerology for making it exact.Numerology on the other hand is a very simple and exact system for making predictions.No cumbersome table of planet positions are needed.Complicate arithmetic calculations are not involved.An expert numerologists can tell the exact time and date of future events and suggest beneficent time and date for carrying out special businesses.
He can suggest remedial measures in difficult situation by pointing out which stones to wear.
Numerology is easily one of the best achievements of mankind.By this instrument one can have a glimpse of his past and future and can become forewarned.He can thus make himself happy and successful.
Numerology calculator

Comparison of Guided Tours and Sight Seeing Tours

Comparison of Guided Tours and Sight Seeing Tours

Are guided tours better than sight seeing tours? .Guided tours are the tours which means you have to move at that where your guider takes you. And sight seeing tours means you can visit the place of your interest at any time.
There are many advantage and disadvantage of both the tours. So I can say I have to first look out all the advantage and disadvantage like

1. If I choose the sight seeing tour I can go to the place in which I am interested but in Guided tour I cannot go to the place in which I am interested but have to go at that place where my guide takes me.

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Comparison of Guided Tours and Sight Seeing Tours

Family Summer Vacation Tours

Family Summer Vacation Tours

Summer vacation is a big vacation of the childrens. After completion of one year the summer vacation comes. Students are eagerly waiting for the summer vacation as in this vacation there is no restrictions on them to play, to travel, to enjoy and many more things.

If they are having schools they cant able to go anywhere or say travel anywhere. But in summer vacation most of the families used to arrange for a long tour.

Like a pilgrimage tour, honey moon tour also the family tour are arranged in most of the cities in all the countries
There are many tours buses, trains and summer camps are arranged for the tours. The tours are mostly of 15-30 days. Many branches used to arrange the family tours. In vacation the parents also feels like vacation as because of their studying they also can’t able to travel anywhere. In summer vacation tour if you are preffered the best tour management then you can enjoy it. While choosing the tour manager you should clear all the criteria with him.

Like in tours is the lunch, dinner and breakfast will be provided by them or not and arrangement for hotels with all accommodations available or not etc. While selecting the tours if you are mistaken then whole of your tour can be spoiled so be careful while selecting the summer tour package.

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Family Summer Vacation Tours

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How to Reduce Pollution ?

How to Reduce Pollution ?

Due to the pollution day by day there is probably more affect in my health. Due to the pollution I need to go for treatment twice a month. So I had decided to reduce the pollution in any matter.

As a normal human being I am being suffered by air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. To reduce the air pollution I stop using the petrol and gases vehicle and started to use the battery vehicles through which air pollution doesn’t occur.

And according to my view the factories should be far from the cities as because of chimneys even the air gets polluted and which is harmful for health. I stopped using fire crackers in the festival like Diwali and also in occasions like marriages to reduce air pollution.

Because of lack of purified and clean water lots of people are losing their lives so to save water is the duty of every human being. While drinking polluted water many diseases caused to them like cholera, malaria, diarrhea, jaundice etc.
To reduce the water pollution is the duty of every person. I had stop to mix the polluted water with the clean water in near by lakes and rivers. I used to immediately close the tap after the use to reduce the water shortage. And my used washing water I never used to throw anywhere else as I have planted the plant nearby they used to absorb it.

By throwing the wastage material like plastic bags, spoiled food, spreading oil, chemicals etc the land pollution occurs. To reduce the land pollution from my side I had stopped to throw the waste every where. And never spread the chemical which destroys the land thoroughly. And I never used to cut trees as trees are saving us from pollution.

According to me I am well trying to reduce this as this pollution may lead me even to lose the life and even yours.

You can read the this article at :

How to Reduce Pollution ?

Puppy Tweet -Tweets by Dogs

Puppy Tweet -Tweets by Dogs

All Twitter updates are answers to the “What are you doing now?” question in not more than 140 characters. Imagine a scenario in which the question is changed to “What is your dog doing now?”

Dog lovers will be very happy to regularly know what their dogs do at any point of time. Yes, the time has come for the dog lovers to rejoice. The new device from Mattel Brands aims to bring the dogs to the Twitter era. The love for the dogs will thus become online through this device.

Puppy Tweet is the device which can be attached to the dog’s collar. This device captures the dog’s movements, selects one from the earlier prepared 500 tweets and posts it on Twitter. The USB processor connected to the home-computer receives the signal from the device on dog’s collar and transmits to the computer which in turn gets

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Puppy Tweet -Tweets by Dogs

Samsung Blue Earth -An Eco Friendly Technology

Samsung Blue Earth -An Eco Friendly Technology

Blue Earth (S7550 Blue Earth) is the eco-friendly mobile handset that Samsung brings to market. This multi touch smart phone works using solar energy. Samsung says that they designed such a phone to show case their ecological commitment. Blue Earth is the first ever full touch phone that works with solar energy. The solar panel is there at the back side of the phone. This solar panel can store electricity anytime, anywhere.

When Technology Joins Hands with Ecology

The solar panel alone is not the eco-friendly aspect of Blue Earth. The handset is made of P.C.M plastic which is produced through the recycling of plastic bottles. These recycle plastics help reduce the energy needed during manufacture. It also reduces the spread of carbon that is likely to take place while manufacturing such handsets. This handset and its charger have absolutely evaded the usage of brominated flame retardants and beryllium in them.

This has a simple technique which helps to avoid energy loss while using mobile phone. You just need to click the Eco Mode on the screen and you can see the phone reorganizing itself. The glow of the screen, the span of the back light etc. get arranged with just a click. Blue Earth has got a pedometer too which counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person's hips. Blue Earth has an Eco Walk as well in connection with the pedometer. It calculates how much of carbon diffusion has been prevented by avoiding a vehicle.

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Samsung Blue Earth -An Eco Friendly Technology

Open Office latest Version is launched

Open Office latest Version is launched

The modified new version, version 3.2, of the much popular Office suite, Open Office, is available for download. The IT population welcomed the new announcement with much enthusiasm. The download volume shows the popularity of the Open Office. It is much popular because Open source software uses it to a large extent and can be used by common man. In 10 years time, there were 30 millions of download of Open Office. More than 10 millions of downloads were done from the main site of

This Office suite contains the most relevant software for office computers. Word processor (Writer), Spreadsheet (calc), Presentation software (Impress), Graphics tool (Draw), Formula and Database utilities are some of the software included in the Office Suite. Open Office is sometimes known as a replacement for Microsoft Open Source. The new version of Open Office has many special features. The loading speed compared to the older version, Open document format (ODF 1.2) support, Open-type font support based on post-script are some of the new features. The new Windows version gets loaded at a rate which is at least 30% faster than the older version.

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Open Office latest Version is launched

Intel, Sony joins hands for ‘Google TV’

Intel, Sony joins hands for ‘Google TV’

The reports say that Intel and Sony might work together in the Google project to bring the Internet revolution to the television. This joint venture is to develop a setup box which will help to obtain internet in TV also.

A report about this Google project, which is believed to create a huge revolution in the visual media, has been floating around for some time now. According to the reports, Google and ‘Dish Network Corporation’ were testing a method to enable search facility in the television.

The latest reports verify the primary efforts from Google. It is said that to develop ‘Google TV’, Google is joining hands with Intel, the chip manufacturers and Sony, the giant in consumer electronics industry including Television sets.

Though ‘Apple’ earlier created a device to obtain internet through T.V, it could not make any ripples in the industry. According to ‘New York Times’ report, Google is developing a device to bring internet to Blu-ray players and Televisions.

Internet, along with the other T.V channels, will be available in the television with the help of the setup box Google is developing now. Through TV, one can do online search, view social networking sites, view YouTube videos, play online games. In a nutshell, TV will be raised to the standard of a device with large number of possibilities.

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Intel, Sony joins hands for ‘Google TV’

Why all the fuss against Food Hygiene? How to take care of Foods

Why all the fuss against Food Hygiene? How to take care of Foods

Food is the necessity to live the life. As everyone needs food daily to live, I also need so. While taking food I used to take care about food hygiene. According to me the food quality must be good. All the diseases takes birth only and only because of carelessness in food quality. So this is the only reason that there is fuss against food hygiene.

Food which we daily need is that quality of the food must be good. To avoid food poisoning we should be very careful while selecting the food products. As nowadays the case of food poisoning is more and more in world.

Because of germs present in food only most of the diseases are caused so there is more fuss against the food hygiene. I am reading lots news and the paragraphs regarding the food hygiene in the news papers even. Even many things to care for the food hygiene are mentioned over there. For the food hygiene even I used to wash my hands before preparing the food and even before eating my hands am to be washed out. Even I am keeping my nail clean.

There are different napkins at my home for different cleaning purposes. I used to wash the napkins regularly. The utensils are been washed by me with detergent regularly. If I am suffering from cold then I don’t used to be near by food.

You can read the rest of this article at :
Why all the fuss against Food Hygiene? How to take care of Foods

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Qwerty Chat Phones -Say Goodbye to Mobile Typing Hassles

Qwerty Chat Phones -Say Goodbye to Mobile Typing Hassles

Even though mobile phone call rates have reduced considerably, the new generation still pays supreme importance to chats. The only complaint that the SMS addicts have is they need to push the very same button twice or thrice to type in a message. The multi key mobile phone ‘’Qwerty” is gonna put an end to this complaint. Qwerty will be having separate keys for different alphabets, just like the computer key board. Black Berry, E-seris Qwerty phones which cost above 15, 000 is already there in the market. But the good news is you can get a qwerty phone for just 3000 now!

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Qwerty Chat Phones -Say Goodbye to Mobile Typing Hassles

Xbox 360 steering wheel

Xbox 360 steering wheel

Xbox 360 Wireless Steering Wheel
The Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel was developed by Microsoft for the Xbox 360 .It was introduced in 2006 though it was released in November 2006.It uses a force feedback steering wheel controller .It also includes the standard game pad buttons along with floor-mounted accelerator and brake pedals. Although the wheel is capable of running as wireless wheel off a standard Xbox 360 battery pack (rechargeable or two AA batteries), use of the force feedback and active resistance features requires an external AC adapter. The Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel competes with Logitech's Driving Force GT and Nintendo's Wii Wheel as part of the seventh generation of racing wheels.

The original limited edition of the force feedback wheel included a force-feedback capable version of the racing game Project Gotham Racing 3. This was discontinued in November 2007 when the price of the wheel was dropped to less than 100$.

Racing has never felt so real! Hold on tight as you hug corner after corner, skid through the sand, or trade paint with rival cars fighting for position—the wireless wheel simulates all the resistance and force, immersing you in a relentless and unparalleled racing experience.
Force Feedback feature requires the wheel to be plugged into AC power.

The wheel was developed in conjunction with the video game Forza Motorsport 2.

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Xbox 360 steering wheel

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to set background image in html ?

How to set background image in html ?

It is very easy to set background image in html.First of all you need an image to use as background.Select an image.Now you need the path to the image.
Path can be :
* Absolute path or
* Relative path

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How to set background image in html ?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to improve handwriting?

How to improve handwriting?

This is an article about how to improve your handwriting.Having a good handwriting is an asset.For students, it would help in scoring good marks as the people who value their answer sheets can clearly read what they write in answer papers.

The best method to improve your handwriting would be to

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How to improve handwriting?

How to wash a car?

How to wash a car?

How to wash a car?
Washing your car carefully on a regular basis will prolong the life of vehicles paint.You need these tools for washing your car.

*two buckets
*soft washing cloth
*quality washing soap

The procedure is as follows:

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How to wash a car?

Friday, April 2, 2010

How to improve spoken English tips

Tips to improve your spoken English.
You can improve your spoken English.Here are some tips to improve your English.
*Observe mouth movements of those who speak English well.Try to imitate them.You can do this while watching TV,etc.

*Slow down your speech until you learn the correct rhythm and pronunciation.

You can read the rest of this article at :

How to improve spoken English tips

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Free domain name forwarding

Free domain name forwarding

What is domain name forwarding ?
When request for a website comes , the request is forwarded to another web address that is specified in domain forwarding option.For eg : If domain name to , then when a user requests , he is forwarded to
There are two types of domain forwarding.They are:

read more >> Free domain name forwarding

How to bind a book

How to bind a book

Binding a book is very easy.It doesn't require much practice to become an expert in book binding.You can bind book for fun.Also it can be a source of revenue if you take it seriously.

* Paper
* Glue
* Cardboard
* Fabric

Lets start with binding the book.
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How to bind a book